Gables Travel

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From Nicaragua To South Florida

The 37-Year Success Story of Gables Travel

After moving from his homeland Nicaragua, where he worked along the family-owned travel agency, Luis A. Cuadra founded Gables Travel in the heart of Coral Gables in 1986. Now, with over 37 years in the business, Gables Travel is one of the leading privately owned travel agencies in South Florida– with significant resources in order to handle all your travel needs, including both personal and corporate travel planning.

With an outstanding and experienced team, Gables Travel is able to make your vacation plans easier and unforgettable.  

Trust Our Expertise, Embark Confidently

Experience Comfort and Luxury Throughout Your Journey.

Global Partnerships

Experience the world like never before through Gables Travel's exclusive alliances

Gables Travel proudly collaborates with esteemed travel giants, Europa Mundo and Globus Journeys, renowned for their exceptional tour packages and cruise experiences. This partnership amplifies our commitment to providing you with unparalleled journeys and unforgettable memories.